Could decentralizing a critical procedure like giving birth, and exploring midwife-led or -supported procedure be a worthwhile, maybe even advisable option to consider for some, given the current restrictions hospitals have had to impose during the pandemic?
Wherever we are in this journey, we will always have our own selves to turn to, and our sincere hope is that we’re all able to create a safe space in our own selves, as well as with others, to cultivate a feeling of support as we collectively learn to navigate through this massive shift that may be creating grief inside each of us.
We all want to be at our best, and perform at our peak in our waking moments, for our own good, and for the good of the world around us. It's high time we explore the possibility that sleep may be just the key to achieving that longed-for bliss.
Research has shown that cases that reported having slept 7 hours or less at night, were almost 3 times as likely to become infected by the Rhinovirus, otherwise referred to as the common cold. On the other hand, individuals who slept 5 hours a night or less were almost 70% more likely to contract pneumonia, a respiratory infection that is associated with COVID infections.
For those with skin sensitive skin, many may not have a choice with sunscreen options, the author would recommend trying nano-zinc oxide cream or lotion sunscreens as an alternative to purely organic sunscreen formulations. However, it would be best to avoid nanoparticle inorganic sunscreens in spray or powder form, in order to minimize risk of inhalation of these particles.